Criminal Lawyer
Best Criminal Lawyers
Why are we the best criminal lawyers in Delhi?
Renowned for our unparalleled legal expertise, strategic acumen, and unwavering commitment to justice, we stand as the preeminent criminal lawyers in Delhi. Our proven track record and client-centric approach distinguish us in navigating complex legal challenges with unparalleled success.
We provide the following services under this chapter:
- Legal support for lodging police complaints, registering a formal complaint, and submitting a criminal complaint in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code.
- serving as defense counsel for clients in criminal trials before magistrates or courts of session;
- submitting or defending a complaint before the magistrate under N.I. Act section 138.
- Filing / defending Criminal complaint under various provisions and sections of Indian Penal Code, Companies Act, Factories Act, Food Adulteration Act, passport Act, NDPS Act, Arms Act, etc.
- Regular Bail Application under Section 437 of the Criminal Procedure Code submitted to Criminal Courts, JM, MM, ASJ, etc.
- Filing of petition U/s 482of Cr.P.C for quashing of F.I.R or staying the criminal procedure before High Courts
- filing a criminal complaint under sections 190, 200, and 156(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973 with a magistrate or police station under section 154 of the Cr.P.C.